Your Guide to Voting on Election Day in Georgia

Although Georgia allows voters to early vote at any location within their county, to vote on Election Day you must report to your assigned polling place. You can find that information on your My Voter Page.  Click here to see where to find the info once you’ve logged into the system.

You will also need to bring your ID with you. Any of the following will work:

  • A Georgia Driver’s License, even if expired
  • Any valid state or federal government issued photo ID, including a free ID Card issued by your county registrar’s office or the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS)
  • Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U.S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state
  • Valid U.S. passport ID
  • Valid U.S. military photo ID
  • Valid tribal photo ID
  • A student ID with photo from a public (but not private!) college, university, or technical college.

You can bring printed information with you to help you vote, but you cannot use a cell phone or tablet or internet-enabled device while voting. You can view a sample ballot on your My Voter Page. Check out our candidate guide here.


Check out the Democratic Party of Georgia’s FAQ here.

The poll worker tells me I’m at the wrong location. What should I do?

It depends. Do you believe you are at the wrong location? Where does MVP say your election day polling place is? Are you in the right county? (You need to be in the right county for your vote to count). Generally speaking, if it is later in the day it’s best to stay where you are and ask for a provisional ballot. If it’s early in the day and you have time, consider going to the correct location. Call the voter protection hotline for more assistance (888-730-5816).

The poll worker tells me I’m not registered. What should I do?

If you know you registered before the registration in the county in which you are trying to vote, ask the poll worker to look you up on the supplemental voter roles.  If the poll worker still cannot find, insist on voting a provisional ballot. Call the voter protection hotline for more assistance (888-730-5816).

Should I vote a provisional ballot?

On election day, if you are told you are not eligible to vote, try and work out the issue with the poll worker. However, if you can’t work it out, insist on voting a provisional ballot.  The poll worker must allow you to vote a provisional ballot if you ask to.  Report the incident to the voter protection hotline, 888-730-5816, as soon as possible. You will need to “cure” your ballot, and someone at the hotline will help you with that.

I’m elderly or have a physical disability. Are there any accommodations for me at the polls?

If you are 65 or older, or have a physical disability, you are entitled to go to the front of the line if there is one between the hours of 9:30 am and 4:30 pm.  Ask a poll worker.

Every polling location must have at least one location to vote while seated, such as in a wheelchair.  In addition, voters with disabilities should have the option of using a machine that provides different ways to cast ballots when you are visually impaired or blind that permit privacy, such as through an audio ballot where the voter can hear candidate names and questions through headphones.

You are also entitled to receive assistance from another person.  You can bring or ask anyone to help you except for the following categories of people: an employer, a labor union official, a candidate on the ballot, or the family member of a candidate on the ballot.

I have difficulty reading.  Can someone help me vote? 

Yes. You can bring or ask anyone to help you except for the following categories of people: an employer, a labor union official, a candidate on the ballot, or the family member of a candidate on the ballot. 

English is not my first language. Can someone help me when I vote?

Yes. A voter can bring an interpreter of his choice to assist in the polling booth. The only people who cannot serve as an interpreter are an employer, a labor union official, a candidate on the ballot, or the family member of a candidate on the ballot.

Can I still vote in person if I applied for an absentee ballot?

Yes, you can.  So long as you have not already voted your absentee ballot, you can choose to vote in person.  If you have your absentee ballot in your possession, take it with you to the polls and give it to the poll worker. The poll worker will dispose of your old ballot and let you vote at the polling place.  If you do not have your absentee ballot in your possession (for example, you have not received it yet, or you’ve misplaced it), that’s okay too. Simply tell the poll worker you applied for one, but that you’d like to vote in person instead. The poll worker will ask you to sign a form where you swear you haven’t voted, and then you’ll be permitted to vote in person.

2022 DPG State Convention Delegate Elections

Please be advised that the Clayton County Democratic Committee will be electing delegates to the 2022 Democratic Party of Georgia State Convention on a to-be-announced date, time and venue before August 12.

The Clayton County Democratic Committee is allotted 12 delegates and 6 alternates.

Two caucuses will be held at this time. The first caucus will consist of elected committee members/post seat holders voting for half of the allotted delegates and half of the alternates. The second caucus will consist of the general public electing the remaining half of delegates and alternates. You do not have to be an elected committee member/post seat holder to run for a delegate spot. You simply need to be a registered voter of Clayton County and you must physically reside in Clayton County. Everyone who attends must sign and complete the Georgia State Convention Delegate & Delegate Elector Affidavit (PDF file) to participate and send the form to Chair Sukari Johnson at [email protected].

The State Convention will be held on Saturday, August 27th, in Columbus, GA at Columbus Ironworks. We are asking about any virtual option for attendance. This is the Democratic Party’s time to highlight our amazing slate of candidates, adopt our party’s platform and adopt resolutions that represent who we are. All statewide candidates will be in attendance. Make your plans now to run for a delegate position.

Get Vaccinated and Boosted NOW

Get Vaccinated and Boosted NOW

As of last Friday, the Omicron variant has reached Georgia.

Omicron is a strain of COVID which bypasses many antibodies, even for those who have received the first two shots and/or been previously sickened by COVID-19 infection. Pfizer and other researchers say that Pfizer’s booster shot is effective at fighting Omicron symptoms.

With the Omicron variant of COVID-19 having reached Georgia as of last Friday, and the holiday season upon us, it is more important than ever to immediately schedule an appointment to 1) get vaccinated and 2) get boosted.

And it is extremely important that Clayton County gets our vaccination numbers up ASAP. ProPublica wrote an article detailing the crisis here in Clayton County, with some sobering statistics:

  • 47% of people in Clayton County have received at least one dose of the vaccine as of Dec. 3. (That’s 11 percentage points lower than the state average and 24 percentage points lower than the national one.)
  • The Clayton County Health Department has much less funding per capita than neighboring metro Atlanta counties (less than half that of nearby Fulton, DeKalb and Cobb in 2021).
  • The Delta wave in Clayton County from August to October resulted in the highest numbers of cases and deaths per capita among the five biggest metro Atlanta counties
  • less than 3% of children in the county age 5 to 9 are vaccinated compared to 8% statewide and 10% to 13% in metro Atlanta’s four larger counties

Please immediately schedule an appointment from the following providers for free vaccinations and boosters, as well as low-cost flu vaccinations:

And make sure to mask up as much as possible. 😷

Candidate Questionnaire: Ernest Strozier, Candidate for Clayton County Board of Commissioners District 1

Candidate Questionnaire: Ernest Strozier, Candidate for Clayton County Board of Commissioners District 1

Ernest Strozier, Candidate for Clayton County Board of Commissioners District 1

Clayton Democrats sent out a questionnaire to all 10 candidates for the September 21, 2021 special election for Clayton County Board of Commissioners District 1. We received five responses. The following are responses from candidate Ernest Strozier. We encourage residents in District 1 to vote on Tuesday for who they would like to have in this position.

1. What qualifications do you have that make you qualified than the other candidates?

I have over 20 years of leadership experience brining resources to the community. I have sat on nonprofit boards for the last 15 years and understand the commitment it takes to be a present leader in a large organization. I am the Clayton County dream, I graduated from Morrow High School, went to the military and college (GSU, UGA and Cornell), came back to the community to put roots down. I have worked in senior positions in the military, federal government, nonprofit and business community. I am currently an entrepreneur. My leadership has been recognized through awards such as 40 Leaders Under 40 (Georgia Trend Magazine), 40 Business Leaders Under 40 (Atlanta Business Chronicle), Rising Star (Urban League of Atlanta). I have been part of classes in various leadership programs (LEAD Atlanta, New Leaders Council Atlanta, Regional Leadership Institute, United Way VIP). I understand the community has been good to me and I am always working hard to make the community better for others. I am not asking to be a leader in the community. I am already that, what I am asking is to lead in a different capacity.

2. What incentives would you offer businesses to come to Clayton County?

I would look at offering county owned land at a discount, offering opportunity zones which offer qualified investors certain tax benefits when they invest unrealized capital gain into the designated area of the county.

3. What percentage of Clayton County’s budget comes in the form of direct payments and all grants from federal sources of indirectly through state money and non-cognizable grants sourced from the federal budget?

Around 6.7 percent of or $26.7 million dollars of Clayton County’s budget come from these sources.

4. Dekalb County has implemented ways to increased Covid-19 vaccinations. What are some of your ideas to increase COVID vaccinations in our county?

I would partner with local businesses to obtain gift cards to give citizens as an incentive to get the vaccination, the gift cards would be picked based on the age we are seeking to appeal to.

5. What has been your community involvement prior to seeking the seat of the District I Commissioner?

Prior to seeking office in Clayton County I was involved in the community in the northern part of Clayton County which is partially located in College Park where I served a a police officer. I also have volunteered with Area In Need ministries an organization that reaches out to the less privileged by supplying school supplies and food.

6. As a commissioner, you will be able to appoint persons to the various county boards, How will you ensure that you’re selecting the right individual?

Serving on a politically appointed board is very important. I will assure that individuals appointed by me are thoroughly vetted and pass the same background check as any other county employee.

7. There is 14months left in the unexpired term of the late Commissioner Sonya Gregory. If you are elected, what will be your priority?

My first priorities would be to slow the building of warehouses in the district that don’t already have tenants when completed and attract businesses that pay a decent living wage.

8. How will you engage with the citizens in District I?

Engaging with the community is very important, during the warmer months I would host “Walk With Your Commissioner” in preselected neighborhoods and myself along with the department heads would walk and chat with the citizens about concerns in there neighborhood. I would also hold once a month coffee chats at the local coffee where I would engage the citizens of district 1.

9. Are you aware of any other revenue streams that can be utilized other than raising property taxes?

Being a resident of Clayton County I’m never going to be proactive for raising taxes. Hartsfield- Jackson Atlanta Airport sits squarely in Clayton County and we don’t receive any revenue from the airport. Even though there have been court decisions on this revenue stream I would want to revisit this source of revenue.

10. What is your position with regard to zoning changes within District I (with regard to logistic centers, retail development, housing, or other commercial develop)?

I would oppose any zoning changes that will displace space for building affordable housing, lower the value of the homes already in the county, bring crime to the area and effect the quality of life for the residents of Clayton County.

Get a Ride to the Polls in Clayton County

We are glad to promote two providers of free transportation to the polls during Early Voting and Election Day for the runoff: RideShare2Vote and Rides To The Runoffs:

Free rides to the polls! Dial 1800-874-1541 to schedule a pickup to the polls with Rideshare2Vote, courtesy of the New Georgia Project. Rides are wheelchair-accessible. PPE, hand sanitizer and temperature checks are provided, and social distancing protocols are in place, including limited capacity ridership.
Do you know someone who needs a ride to vote in the runoff? Sign up at or call 1-800-590-VOTE to get paired with a volunteer driver for a free, safe ride to your voting site.