Register as a candidate for the Democratic county primary March 4-8! The following county offices will be on the primary ballot this year:
- Probate Judge
- Clerk of Superior Court
- Sheriff
- Tax Commissioner
- Magistrate Court Judge
- County Commission Chairman
- County Commission Districts 2 and 3
- Board of Education District 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7
- Surveyor
- Solicitor General
This will be the only chance for those Democrats who want to be on the ballot in November, so don’t miss it! Click below to schedule an RSVP for when you wish to register in person. You must come in person with your required documents below to qualify.

Come join us for a paid opportunity to volunteer for our qualifying hours! Email us at [email protected] for more information.
FAQ About Qualifying
NOTE: If you’re running for Sheriff, you must also bring a proof of background check with you as required in this court order (LINK TO PDF)
- Where do I sign up for qualification for the county elections
- Where do state candidates go to qualify?
- Ga State Capitol, 206 State Capitol SW, Atlanta, GA 30334 State Capitol Building, Room 230
- What federal and state offices are on the May 21 Democratic primary ballot for qualification?
- United States Representative
- Georgia State Senator
- Georgia State Representative
- Clayton District Attorney
- Justices of the Georgia State Supreme Court (4 seats, nonpartisan)
- Judges of State Court (7 seats, nonpartisan)
- Judge of Superior Court (3 seats, partisan)
- Where do county people go to qualify?
- Morrow Library, 6225 Maddox Rd in Morrow
- What county offices are on the May 21 Democratic primary ballot for qualification?
- Probate Judge
- Clerk of Superior Court
- Sheriff
- Tax Commissioner
- Magistrate Court Judge
- County Commission Chairman
- County Commission Districts 2 and 3
- Board of Education District 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7
- Surveyor
- Solicitor General
- Do I need to bring anything to qualification?
- Bring fee payment and identification, all other paperwork will be supplied to you.
- For all state and county offices, you must be a registered voter in the district you live in in order to run for that district. Check your registration here.
- The DPG will have a notary public on-site to notarize your documents for state or federal office.
- The payment for state or federal office must be made by personal check, campaign check, certified check, or money order, made payable to “Democratic Party of Georgia.” Cash will not be accepted.
- The payment for county office must be made as a certified check or money order, made payable to “Clayton County Democratic Party”. Cash will not be accepted.
- To expedite your time, please print, fill out, notarize and bring at least one of the relevant qualifying documents:
- Federal Declaration of Candidacy and Affidavit
- State Declaration of Candidacy and Affidavit
- County Declaration of Candidacy and Affidavit
- Clerk of Superior Court Affidavit
- Coroner Affidavit
- Judge of Probate Court Affidavit
- Local Board of Education Affidavit
- Paupers Affidavit and Petition (needed if seeking a hardship for the qualifying fee)
- Sheriff Affidavit Part I
- Sheriff Affidavit Part II
- Tax Commission Affidavit
- What are the county qualifying fees?
- What are the federal and state qualifying fees?
- Do I need to fill out a declaration of intent, in reference to raising campaign funds?
- Yes.
- Where is the county qualification website?
- What is state campaign finance website?
- Where can I find the official list of primary candidates?
- The list will be located at this link. The list will update live during the qualifying period.
- What is the State Ethics commission website?
- Where do I get access to a voting list?
- Contact your county elections office. For additional voter files and VoteBuilder access, Contact the DPG at [email protected] or apply here.
- What other resources can I find about the office I’m running for?
- What can the Clayton County Democratic Committee do to assist my Democratic primary campaign?
- We can provide the following:
- Access to VoteBuilder
- News about upcoming Democratic events
- Invitations to speak for your campaign during our meetings
- Promotion of your campaign events and contact info in our mailing list
- We cannot provide the following:
- Official endorsements of your campaign
- Fundraising for your campaign
- Access to our mailing list.
- Above applies to all Democratic primary candidates.
- We can provide the following: