Clayton Democrats sent out a questionnaire to both candidates for the September 21, 2021 special election for Clayton County Public Schools District 8. We received one response, that being from Joy Tellis Cooper. The following are her answers to our questions. We encourage residents in District 8 to vote on Tuesday for who they would like to have in this position.
1. With only two meetings a month, all school boards are limited in what they can do. How does/should the board decide what’s most important?
I believe all aspects of the school board’s business is important. But there are times pressing issues will occur before the work sessions or monthly board meetings. As a Board Member, we could utilize our emails and meet in small group settings with Board Members and/or Superintendent and staff.
2. What do you think is expected of you as a board member?
As a board member I would be expected to establish rules & policies that are used to govern the schools and maintain a balance budget. I would also be responsible for improving student achievement and would support programs geared toward student achievement while supervising the Superintendent.
3. Do you have any innovative ideas that will keep our children safe from a Covid-19 outbreak in our elementary schools?
COVID-19 and the new Delta variant has taken us all in an unexpected direction. One idea is hybrid schedules for our students to try and control the spread of this variant. Another idea is to continue supplying the schools with desk shields and practicing social distancing in the classroom as much as possible. Regular testing of students and staff will also help along with proper sanitizing.
4. According to various disparity studies conducted by Clayton County; there is virtually no minority participation on contracts. Are you in favor of establishing a Minority, Woman, & Small Business Enterprise (MW/SBE) Program which would effectively communicate Clayton County School procurement, contracting opportunities, and to increase participation opportunities for certified minority, women and small business enterprises in a competitive environment?
5. How do we prepare Clayton’s students for the 21st century workforce?
New technology gives an opportunity to encourage critical thinking. We need to make sure we are equipping our teachers and parents with the training and tools they need to push our children toward the 21st century workforce.
6. What is your vision for education in Clayton County?
My vision is to focus on our literacy rate and increase the graduation rate. Maintain and Develop schools that are innovative with cutting edge technology, and to maintain a balanced budget.